Counseling with Sara
~ Balance ~ Connection ~ Hope ~
Sara Fender, M.A.
Licensed Professional Counselor
P.O. Box 316
Canby, Oregon 97013
(971) 217-8790
Here you'll find a growing list of books, links, and videos on a variety topics related to mental and emotional health
** indicates resource is presented from a Christian worldview
Everything You Think You Know About Addiction is Wrong - Johann Hari (video)
Guide for Children of Addicted Parents (webpage)
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration - SAMHSA
Anxiety & Worry
American Psychological Association- Anxiety
Rumination: A Problem in Anxiety & Depression (article)
What is Health Anxiety? (handout)
Emotional Agility: Susan David, PhD
Depression & Mood
All the Thing We Never Knew: Chasing the Chaos of Mental Illness (memoir; Bipolar Disorder) - Sheila Hamilton
Bipolar Disorder - NAMI
Darkness is My Only Companion (memoir, Bipolar Disorder, Christianity) - Kathryn Greene-McCreight **
Helping Someone with Bipolar Disorder (article)
Parent's Guide to Teen Depression (article)
The Midnight Library (fiction, Depression & Suicidal Ideation, Hope) - Matt Haig
Reasons to Stay Alive (personal reflections on depression and anxiety) - Matt Haig
Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle (target audience: women) - Emily Nagoski & Amelia Nagoski
The Dance of Anger - Harriet Lerner, PhD
The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook - McKay, Wood, & Brantley
Emotional Agility - Susan David, PhD
Why am I Always Angry? (article)
General Mental Health Resources
Getting Started With Mindfulness (webpage)
​​Help Guide - online resource by topic for mental health and wellness
National Alliance on Mental Illness
The National Institute for Mental Health
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
The New Science of Sleep (article)
Grief & Loss
A Grief Observed - C.S. Lewis **
Beyond Closure - Nancy Berns (video)
The Cure for Sorrow - Jan Richardson **
Good Mourning: Getting Through Your Grief - Allan Hugh Cole, Jr. **
It's OK That You're Not OK - Megan Devine
Keep Moving: Notes on Loss, Creativity, and Change - Maggie Smith
Motherless Daughters: The Legacy of Loss - Hope Edelman
Option B - Sheryl Sandberg & Adam Grant
Refuge in Grief (Megan Devine)
Terrible, Thanks for Asking (podcast)
We Don't "Move On" From Grief. We Move Forward. - Nora McInerny (video)
Miscellaneous Topics
Anatomy of the Soul - Curt Thompson, M.D. (neuroscience & spiritual practices) **
Body Partnership Coaching & Resources - Wirth Wellness
Damn Shame - Curtis H. Tucker (shame & Christian spirituality) **
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality - Peter Scazzero **
Learning to Walk in the Dark - Barbara Brown Taylor **
One Thousand Gifts - Ann Voskamp (depression, gratitude, joy) **
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment (mindfulness) - Eckhart Tolle
Stop Caretaking the Borderline or Narcissist - Margalis Fjelstad
Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain - Daniel J. Siegel, M.D.
The Five Love Languages of Children - Gary Chapman, PhD & Ross Campbell, M.D. **
The Gottman Institute (Parents)
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk - Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish
Parenting From the Inside Out - Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. & Mary Hartzell, M.Ed.
Parenting With Love & Logic - Foster Cline, M.D. **
The Whole Brain Child - Daniel J. Siegel, M.D.
The Yes Brain - Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. & Tina Payne Bryson
Personal Growth and Well-Being
Boundaries - Cloud & Townsend **
Communication - 4 Part Communication Process (web link)
Emotional Agility - Susan David, PhD
Getting Started with Mindfulness (article)
The Gift of Power and Emotional Courage - Susan David, PhD (video)
The Gifts of Imperfection - Brene Brown, PhD
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance - Angela Duckworth
I Think You're Wrong (But I'm Listening) - Sarah Stewart Holland & Beth A. Silvers**
Man's Search for Meaning - Viktor Frankl
The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook - Kristin Neff, PhD & Christopher Germer, PhD
Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation - Daniel J. Siegel, M.D.
The Power of Introverts - Susan Cain (video)
The Power of Vulnerability - Brene Brown, PhD (video)
Rising Strong - Brene Brown, PhD
The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery - Ian Morgan Cron
Self-Compassion - Kristin Neff
Self-Esteem - McKay & Fanning
Set Boundaries, Find Peace: a Guide to Reclaiming Yourself - Nedra Glover Tawwab
Strengthsfinder 2.0 (CliftonStrengths Assessment) - From Gallup & Tom Rath
The Wisdom of Your Body - Hillary McBride, PhD
Drama Free: a Guide to Managing Unhealthy Family Relationships - Nedra Glover Tawwab
The Emotionally Absent Mother: a Guide to Self-Healing and Getting the Love You Missed - Jasmin Lee Cori
The 5 Love Languages - Gary Chapman, PhD **
The Gottman Institute (Couples)
Hold Me Tight - Sue Johnson, PhD
How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk - John Van Epp, PhD
Navigating High Stakes Relationships and Burnout - Wirth Wellness podcast (I am a guest)
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma - Bessel Van der Kolk, MD
The National Center for PTSD
Trauma Defined (an article outlining a helpful perspective on understanding trauma)
Why Trauma Survivors Can't Just 'Let It Go' (blog post)
The Wisdom of Your Body - Hillary McBride, PhD